About us

ALPEKO GmbH founded in September 2014 it’s daughter company Pro Steel Solutions B.V., to expand it’s business activities on the German, the Dutch and on the international steel-market.

Pro Steel Solutions B.V. is the sales channel on several European markets for the following well known steel producers / trading houses:

We are since several years the exclusive sales-channel of the Italian Heavy Plate Producer Officine Tecnocider (officinetecnosider.it) on the German market.

Since 2014 we are as well the exclusive Agent of the private Swiss Trading House Trasteel (trasteel.com) for Germany, Austria, BENELUX and Central Europe.

Starting June, 1st 2017 Pro Steel Solutions B.V. will be as well Trasteel’s exclusive agent in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

By October 1st 2023 we will start with our new partners Profilmec Group (www.profilmecgroup.com) which nowadays become part of the Trasteel group a (for us) new business: precision tubes!

We will act on this file das well as an agent and sell in the name and on invoice of the producer.

On top of that we are since a few months the sales agent of Hoesch Spundwand (hoesch-spundwand.de) for hot rolled sheetpiles ex stock and produced on demand.